
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A New World now?

So the Resurrection has happened, Easter is over and yet we are still waiting. This seems to be a relevant time to talk  of how I feel at this moment.
 I know that my heart believes in this happening,  I know that it gives me hope in  a New World where this resurrected state is offered to everyone, and I know that we need this world now.

 So I  move with this hope and I understand too , maybe with an enlightened perception, that time in terms of this world is really an illusion; in fact we can exist in it now, if we allow ourselves to enter a dimension that really sees the existence of life as an energetic impulse,  driving us constantly with a force that is mighty, because it is the Spirit of Life flowing through the universe.  We are able to melt into this flow in a harmony that lets us enter  a new reality ,where we exist in love  and light, and perceive this with perfect clarity. Here we are in ecstasy with God and each other, and we experience a peace that is total and fulfilling.

 I try to believe this vision, and I know that if I can move each day with this deep desire to actualise it, it must happen, and so I will understand the whole story of God's Easter Promise.


Bunty said...

One can get moments of getting close to that love and light.................then BANG something happens and you are rudely brought out of that back into the ''world'' as we are all living it today.
As you keep saying it is all so simple but yet difficult. BUT the desire is there and we have to keep on trying - though not quite sure I am trying hard enough most of the time!! The big weakness of being human.

Maureen Hughes said...

Yes Bunty----how we need an extra input of the Holy Spirit!