
Monday, June 11, 2012


It is a beautiful early morning.The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the sky and sea are a sapphire blue,and all seems well with the world. We stroll along the coast as a few early fishermen gather on the pier, and  make our way to our favourite coffee shop.

Joe is ready for us, happy to greet us and hear our weekly news. He has been working in the trade since he was eight years old, when he was trained by his father.He is in his mid-sixties now but still loves  to give his best to his customers.

He is an early riser, and is to be  found then down below in the kitchen where he does his baking.His cakes are his speciality. He is a bit of an artist at heart, and spends time lovingly creating different designs.

Sunday is a special day for him, and the afternoon sees the promenaders flocking in ready to sample the latest selection. 

We order our cappuccino and make our way to our table.Should we or shouldn't we? We glance again at the tempting display.Which should we choose? Well maybe just a very small slice of that mouthwatering Black Forest gateau, ----it is Sunday after all.  


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