When we moved into our new flat that first-time look through the large windows held me spellbound. Over the little chapel roof to the sea beyond, St Paul's Island in the distance,and a row of tall palms in the foreground, majestic in the late evening light.---What a sense of peace.
Next morning rising early the magic remained. The dawn light was gentle and a soft mist hung on the water. A few early fishermen were gathering with their tackle and little folded seats, ready for an early morning chat, and the palms stood surveying the scene,their silence serene and comforting, somehow protective. They had watched over his scene how many times?
Every morning, every evening, for me the magic is still there. The sense of peace is tangible and oh so comforting. Life slows down to a rhythm and harmony that I soak myself in, drinking in the beauty thankfully and praying that I can preserve and nurture it faithfully.

Peaceful Palms.----Stretched canvas with texture and acrylic.