
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Observe the beauty around you-----

'Observe the wonders as they occur around you.Don't claim them.Feel the artistry moving through them, and be silent.'

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Dream Boat------Acrylic and oil pastel on stretched canvas

'Dreams say what they mean but they don't say it in daytime language.'
Gail Godwin/

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Golden in the sunlight----

Yes----it still lies golden in the early morning. It is late summer now,   so the beach is still  quiet.

Half an hour later  and a few more arrivals. We sit  at the beach cafe,enjoying morning coffee, basking in a soothing sunshine.

Before it grows too hot we take a walk through open farmland and wild counryside, with vines  figs and prickly pears,gently rolling hills lie in the distance.

 From the top  one last glimpse of Golden Bay before the home journey.
More people settling under yellow umbrellas, sea just a little foamy,
and the Radisson Hotel standing tall in the background.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Stress Free World.

I am constantly aware of the harm that stress is causing in people's life. We live in a

complex society where pressure seems to control us and a simplification and balanced life style grows increasingly difficult.
 A clear code of conduct has diminished and confusion is there if not on the surface then certainly underneath aat a deeper level.

  For me, I truly feel I would despair were it not for the fact that I hold onto a very beautiful Vision that promises a restoration of Life and Human Life to an enlightened level that can bring about Happiness Peace and Freedom for everyone in the world.What other meaningful hope is there?

The Relaxation CD.s that I produce are based on this Holistic approach (body mind spirit) as I  feel  that much illness comes from the mind,and to leave out the spiritual
dimension is for me an over-simplification.
The CDs themselves are simple, but have a depth that offers a deep relaxation.Through the softly spoken word  positive suggestions and guided imagery they lead into the subconscious mind very gently, with repetition bringing a feeling of peace.Each CD is approximately 30 minutes long and is subdivided into 4 exercises.

The one above can be ordered through my sidebar shortly, meanwhile you can listen to the clip on the You Tube video.

Friday, September 14, 2012


Oh those LOW MOMENTS!- Those times of loneliness and grief; the times when
anxiety fear or near despair   suddenly overwhelm us, dragging us to the depth. At these dreadful periods in life friends are invaluable, and the true ones make themselves so clear. So too those near and dear ones who   empathise deeply, share our misery, and lift us with  a dedication and love that is enduring. What a blessing!

 The words of'Hot Cocolate's' little song say this I feel with such honesty and simplicity.
For myself I would have preferred  a lighter background arrangement, but it  is still moving I feel.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Waiting for the rain.

It has been a very long hot summer ,and although we have had one rainy session, people are waiting for more.Here in Malta that is expected. The other evening things certainly seemed ominous-just look at these storm clouds.

As we returned from our walk along the bay it still looked threatening, but as usual the sunset was beautiful and inspiring.

Next day-blue sky as usual,-----and hot hot HOT !

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Do not say'It is morning' and dismiss it with a name of yesterday.See it for the first time as a newborn child that has no name.

Rabindranath Tagore.

Friday, September 7, 2012


'Spread Love everywhere you go. Don't let anyone leave without feeling happier.'

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


People here are usually waiting for rain in September, and as usual it arrived suddenly alongside a pretty nasty storm. During the night lightning flashed across the bay, lighting the sky dramatically. It's usually dramatic and I don't enjoy it.

 Malta's drainage system is not good, so morning saw quite a bit of flooding. Everyone is now hoping for cooler weather, and although temperatures have dropped I still find the air clammy and humid.

Weather everywhere is so unpredictable  these days - who knows what is going to arrive next?!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Please----Just a little peace and quiet.

It is still hot,-very hot, and the Island is still very crowded. Heat wave temperatures have reigned non stop  throughout the summer months. Boats of all sizes clutter the little bay, the hotels are full of sunseekers,and the holiday homes are packed. Traffic abounds, along with exhaust fumes, and breathing fresh air becomes a dream.----- Oh  for some space, some wonderful peace and quiet, some refreshing morning walks!
 Today though we are into september, and it looks as if the weather could be changing. A brisk north westerly has brewed up and day time temperatures have dropped. Could that possibly be a few rain clouds on the horizon?

It's not that I dislike Summer, but this year has been just too unbearable. Just look how different the bay below us will begin to look in a few weeks.

Who wouldn't long for that tranquillity?

A different scene, a different season,-----and who knows what else?
 Good things I hope!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

'Healing Moments'----Audio clip for Relaxation/ Meditation

Stress and anxiety seem so much a part of Life today, so my work at the moment  concentrates on this aspect through simple Holistic Therapy. The audio tapes really need a quiet moment in the day to appreciate fully since they involve deep relaxation through visualisation and guided imagery.
 However if you feel like listening for a few minutes, and you can find a quiet time,

here is a short audio clip:-

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Down to the sea this morning and from a distance the water looks so inviting. Clear, blue, pristine.But oh no! As we draw near the despondency on peoples' faces becomes clear too.Ofcourse there is the usual line standing looking accusingly into the water,- and who can fail to know the problem now.----JELLYFISH!

How dare they interfere with a beautiful morning's swimming? But they do.
Only the brave or foolish venture in now.Or maybe those who swear by vinegar to soothe and heal.As for me, I have experienced their nasty whiplash on several occasions, so this morning I  hand over to the more courageous.

It's back home to a cool shower, a cappuccino, and a firm reminder that by tomorrow they will have vanished.

The problem ofcourse is a lingering fear, which if one is not careful can quickly develop into acute anxiety neurosis and ruin those blissful morning swims.--- No definitely not! 

Saturday, August 18, 2012


At last----success with Youtube. It always frustrates me trying to put something up,
this time it worked!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


We are still in the grip of this terrible heatwave. For me ,the days are long, hot, humid and sticky,dragging on unbearably until after sunset. It is a fraction cooler then, -but oh those nights as the damp descends!
Thank God we are next to the sea for early morning coolness,- a life-saver for me.

Grab the towel before sunrise,creep out quietly and head for the little bay. So peaceful! Nobody in sight, a few boats lying tranquilly in still clear water. Morning mist giving way to sun peeping over rooftops,  sky turning softly blue.A blessed peace!

The water cool, fresh,welcoming. I swim a little, breathing deeply, then float for a while feeling deep gratitude.Music wafts quietly over the water,soothing, delightful,----this must be Heaven.

A few fishermen arrive on the pier, it's time to go!----I swim a little longer,lingering, delaying the moment, but it has to be faced. Off now to face the day,basking still in the glow, already dreaming of tomorrow----early----early!

Saturday, August 11, 2012


FEAR FEAR AND MORE FEAR! It seems to me that this is one of today's main slogans.People  really seem to be quite paranoid most of the time.I appreciate that  we are caught up in a society full of pressure from an accelarated life-style where  money so often seems the priority,  and people have lost the simple art of living together in a caring, sharing way. So  much closedness! Doors closed and locked, cars locked,people locked up inside themselves in a paralysis of fear and suspicion, all trust has vanished.Surely we can't call this life and living.

Ofcourse I don't have the answer, but living in an increasingly bureaucratised society, where rules and regulations are the order of the day, and no named person seems in charge or responsible, does not appear to be working. Individual responsibility is minimal, people become enslaved or apathetic, and fear increases.

Many people are conscientiously trying to work at this positively, with a blend of firmness,  compassion,opening out to Life and others in a way that goes beyond selfishness and ego-centredness. I try too, then to my dismay fear snatches me into its grip in a chilling way.How often I struggle to move beyond a fear that  know to be irrational,and concentrate on the good and lovely things in Life, because I know there are many.I try to forget about myself and move out to others, and this certainly helps.

I am more and more convinced though, that at this stage in the world we all need extra help.If only we could all really believe in a loving Supernatural Being who has an organic Plan:who although he has given Humanity free will, knows that deep down it really wants what is best, so he is ready to show it what that means.Perhaps he has in store a final momentum of life -giving energy, that can only be used with love because it is its very source. Perhaps he will offer it and people will respond. They will work with him freely to help restore the world.People as they should be, the world as it should be, love light peace and power prevailing , -----Fear has disappeared.

Monday, August 6, 2012


'UNDERWATER' acrylic on canvas.
I was inspired to paint this several years ago in early summer after gazing at the sea scene below our apartment. The water translucent in blues and greens, then moments of clarity drawing me into a still, mysterious depth.How I long to penetrate this depth, move to the very centre,beyond the mystery.

 It's the same with people.We move through Life,in an interaction with others, so often skimming the surface, seeing only the veneer, the superficial.How seldom do we try to move beyond into the hidden depth of the other in , touch on the very core of being,and really see what lies beneath.

Here we might discover something wonderful; a common bond, an empathy, a reality that lifts us to a new level of living,drawing on a source of energy that lets us all live life as Life. 

Sunday, July 29, 2012


Ii has often struck me how similar pineapples are to palm trees.Yesterday when they trimmed the trees across the way from us the similarity was very apparent.

I find however that the two are not related in any other way. Pineapples are apparently Bromeliads and grow from berries.- So you live and learn!

These trees don't offer such welcome shade now, hopefully they will soon grow again.I  think  not before this heatwave ends unfortunately!

Monday, July 23, 2012


Somehow it seems to me that Life has lost its natural rhythm and so its balance. People move now at such a pace, constantly seeming under pressure,-stress and anxiety are major problems, and often relaxation itself becomes over organised, manipulated into the weekly programme if possible, and so loses its meaning and function. We seem to have lost the ability to live fully in the present and relish each beautiful moment .
   This old song has, I think,a simple, common sense way of putting it.-It topped the charts in the seventies when Lena returned to the stage.


Thursday, July 19, 2012


The road  to Golden Bay is lined with Oleander trees. Beautiful in pinks and white and making a shady canopy on the way to the beach, they are so welcome.

 Intriguing archways invite you to look beyond.

Prickly pears are abundant, the fruit not quite ripe.Aloe vera and fig trees are prolific too.

And now the beach itself.Sparking blue sea and that golden sand,inviting and welcoming.We are ready for a swim, a rest, then maybe we'll end the afternoon with a cappuccino at the little beach cafe.-----Simply a lovely summer day!

Monday, July 16, 2012


The heatwave coninues, and we are all melting. The tourists love the sun but they too find themselves looking for the shade.Floppy hats have become the order of the day.

It's wonderful if you can have a leisurely dip then relax under a  bright sun umbrella.


Even the youngsters are
looking for a shady place.

How about a late afternoon ride,perhaps  out along the coast road into the sunset, then cooled by a gentle evening breeze?

As for me,-tonight I will pull the sofa to the open balcony doors, lie there looking at a starlit sky,and listening to the water lapping on the sides of the boats  in the bay below. I'll  fall asleep and dream of a tomorrow lying in a hammock slung between shady trees,a good book and glass of chilled wine to keep me company. ----Sweet dreams!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Native American Ten Commandments.

From time to time I find that these reflections make a peaceful start to the day.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Tinged with magic gold dust----

St Paul's Bay.

Early evening, and through the sitting room window I see a golden scene. Boats lie idly on still water that glistens in the fading sunlight.

Everything  tinged with gold as if gold dust has fallen from heaven scattering its magic over a sleepy afternoon.

Yes there's magic here and a dream,------ a dream of a world bathed in gold dust,  a dream of a  Golden Age to come. 

Saturday, June 30, 2012


A  leisurely evening stroll  by the sea, The day has been hot again and tiring. 
An empty seat   and we relax in the shade of a palm tree,breathing freely.
Before us the sun sinks,-dramatic , simple, beautiful.A moment of silence, -a moment of peace.----That sunset moment.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


This seventies song is specially for dear friends Ingrid and and Joe, with much love.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Shadow Bird.

The heatwave continues, and we are all melting.Even the tourists who usually long for the sun are finding it hard.
Here is someone who found the best place to be----under the church roof!

'Do what we can, summer will have its flies.'
Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Early  morning and a mist hangs over Mellieha Heights, -----looks like it is going to be another heatwave day!

Across the bay boats lie sleepily in the haze.

Thank goodness we live near the sea. An early morning swim or even a dip manages to cool down my body for a few hours at least.
Then everyone prays for a refreshing breeze to stir the languid air as we move into the peak heat time.
I can't use an air conditioner, and although we are near the roof and our small apartment is fairly cool, how I welcome any breath of that cooling air as it wafts through our open plan rooms.
Concentration is difficult, work that is mildly energetic becomes problematic,
and a short siesta seems inviting until the flies arrive!----A stroll in the cool of the evening seems the most promising hope.

I look through the window, and there is the answer at last.----Up up and away,
flying higher and higher into that wide open clear,cool blue,----into space!

Monday, June 18, 2012


We had some good news this morning, so I am happy, even if it IS monday! And we are all young at heart anyway----so----


Sunday, June 17, 2012


Sunday morning and a moment of peace. St Paul's Island in the distance, a blue sky,  blue sea, white sails.Hardly a ripple as the boat glides by.
Simple, beautiful, silent, tranquil,------a perfect start to the day.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


                                             View from our window.-----St. Paul's Bay.

Almost unbelievably Summer is here,and in Malta that means that temperatures soar! Our small apartment is simple light and uncluttered, and we keep it as cool as possible.
I continue with The Oasis News for those of you who take an interest in this beautiful, prophetic vision of hope.As you know it is also very practical, laying out guidelines for a simple, holistic life-style that is able to help now and in the future.

Simplicity is the key note, but that doesn't mean not to live fully. Life should be entered into with dynamism, zest and full enjoyment,  appreciating nature in all its abundance and gifts, using one's own gifts creatively and imaginatively, balancing everything between a pattern of stillness and activity.

The spiritual dimension ofcourse is the core of the vision, concentrating on that point of stillness and balance from where the energy for life and living is centred, can be drawn upon, and is then able to move out into a sphere of action and activity.It is the real source of our energy.

This picture above is the view we have over the chapel roof, a perfect spot for early morning and late evening meditation.

The basic domesticity that Mary advocates, without making a fetish of it, is not a problem here. It is a clean sweep through,-- balcony, sitting area, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. That's it and it suits us fine!

Wholesome nutrition,well that's more difficult in terms of a self sufficiency. Fortunately we can use the roof above us to grow a simple variety of herbs and salad leaves. We also had a very good crop of delicious strawberries,---they seemed to go on and on. It is good too to be able to use the nearby organic farm, as they keep us supplied with eggs , fruit and veg. in season. Herbs and wholefoods are important as  a basic part of the diet.We find that Indigo Herbs is  an excellent supplier:-
.Then ofcourse there is Lina's bread! We can always guarantee wholesome nutrition here, and to this, add that  Italian flair that is quite unique.

Keeping in line with The Oasis Way is not difficult in terms of exercise. Two 45 minutes walk,dancing,-a regular daily regime  for me,,(thank goodness we are not overlooked!)and hopefully this year a little swimming.

Recreation time is simple and often merges with the other spheres.Joe likes his music, I enjoy painting and we both enjoy reading and growing herbs etc. It"s lovely to share a meal or drinks with friends, but really this is central to The Oasis way of Life, -this community - style relationship of "loving and living,----caring and sharing.'

It's a simple philosophy, this 'loving and living.' But simple doesn't necessarily mean easy!Sometimes  it seems that it is the hardest thing. It's fine if everything in Life is going smoothly, people around are pleasant and generous, and good spirits and positive benevolent attitudes prevail. The problem arises when people are not so pleasant, infact   seem downright selfish , mean and arrogant;  the positive atmosphere begins to diminish and good spirits fly out the window so to speak! This is where we need extra help!

Work for me  has to integrate with The Oasis philosophy,and so involves  the odd painting commission, and sessions of Relaxation/Meditation therapy for individuals or groups.The C.D.s offer a follow up programme or can be used alone.

Then ofcourse there is the Centre. That building shown to me  over twenty years ago as an integral part of The Oasis vision.By coincidence, or not by coincidence, our apartment now is next door to it.Sadly, it has fallen into a very neglected state, and the once simple, beautiful, productive garden lies overgrown and desolate. -----Looking at it now, it is as if it is waiting------.

This is the simple life style that we continue to try to live, in line with the vision. Ofcourse it is a prophetic vision too,and I wait hopefully for  its promise of a beautiful protective development where a small community of people live together peacefully  happily and freely.---It will happen at the right time, when God is ready, and the right people are ready.

Monday, June 11, 2012


It is a beautiful early morning.The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the sky and sea are a sapphire blue,and all seems well with the world. We stroll along the coast as a few early fishermen gather on the pier, and  make our way to our favourite coffee shop.

Joe is ready for us, happy to greet us and hear our weekly news. He has been working in the trade since he was eight years old, when he was trained by his father.He is in his mid-sixties now but still loves  to give his best to his customers.

He is an early riser, and is to be  found then down below in the kitchen where he does his baking.His cakes are his speciality. He is a bit of an artist at heart, and spends time lovingly creating different designs.

Sunday is a special day for him, and the afternoon sees the promenaders flocking in ready to sample the latest selection. 

We order our cappuccino and make our way to our table.Should we or shouldn't we? We glance again at the tempting display.Which should we choose? Well maybe just a very small slice of that mouthwatering Black Forest gateau, ----it is Sunday after all.  


Sunday, June 10, 2012


How we need the uncluttered simplicity of songs like this to bring little bursts of happiness in a complicated world.
I think so anyway.

Friday, June 8, 2012

SUDDENLY IT'S SUMMER----and what a difference!

What a difference in just a few days! Last week when I looked out along the way, the rocky beach was empty,and there were few cars to be seen. Today sunbathers lie there, soaking up the summer sun. 
The change comes almost imperceptibly, and it's the same way every year.
This month there will still be a tranquil atmosphere, july and august will be rather more hectic.

And it's not just people,- boats too! For the next few months the little bay across from us will become a mini marina.

There is always someone who can find a quiet spot!

Ernest is all set for his morning fishing,-----but oh dear, I think he may have spotted a JELLY FISH !

And so we move into the summer months in St Paul's Bay. Sunshine, blue sky and sea:holiday makers and locals savouring the simple pleasures of outdoor living after a long winter. School will soon be fnished for three months here, and the youngsters are gearing up! Cafes and restaurants are offering tempting menus,day trips are being organised,evening promenades are more frequent,  band marches and festas are at the ready,and we move into this summer scene, determined this year to appreciate fully its simple joie de vivre. 

 Cheers, Maureen

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Sunlight-----and a bowl of cherries.---Oganic ofcourse!

'Life is just a bowl of cherries'------so the song goes.
We returned from the farm last week with a huge bagful of these and along with mulberries we have enjoyed them each morning with the breakfast muesli.
 -Really delicious!

Our friends have an organic farm and we are so lucky to be able to enjoy their produce.I find it difficult to enjoy a supermarket egg now after tasting theirs, and those golden yellow yolks are amazing.

For some strange reason Malta seems slow in embracing the organic theme, and infact the farm has met  quite a bit of opposition.Education too seems slow.--- What a pity, when pesticides and chemicals are so much linked with ill health.We thank goodness for the farm and its dedicated approach, and we support it gratefully.

So, now, I will sit for a while in the evening light,uncluttering my mind,easing out the tension, and enjoying that refreshing bowl of cherries.-----and thinking that the song is probably right.          


Friday, June 1, 2012


'Dreaming'----Acrylic and oil pastel on stretched canvas
How can I look out every morning to see the sailing boats gliding serenely by, and not wish to paint them? Ocourse I have to!

 This painting  is a few years old now, residing in the home of the daughter of a friend. When I send a painting away I always hope that it will bring peace and joy to its new owner. I suppose as I paint, I push  in those good vibrations so that they become integrated into the art work and belong there naturally.

I suppose too a part of my soul goes with the painting. The child in the picture is really me, with the sense of openness,innocence,  trust and wonder that I wish to preserve.The day dreaming in the child's vision is his reality, lifting him into a beautiful world that he  makes his own.

Anyone can be that child. His dreams become their dreams,  his world becomes their world, and for that moment they become one.

'Every artist dips his brush into his soul and paints his own nature into his picture.'
Henry Ward Beecher.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


It is early and I sit out for a while on the small balcony gazing dreamily over the red-roof of the chapel.It is quiet , morning activity is not yet in full swing.

Down in the bay a few fishermen are returning with their early catch, others are idly chatting, their boats colourful in the morning light.

Peace reigns.----A blue sky, -a blue sea, and  that beautiful feeling that all is as it should be.

A white sailing boat drifts lazily by,taking it with me in dreams.------

Church bells ring and I am awake now.- Maybe another cappuccino, and then it is time to move into the day.

Sunday, May 27, 2012



Sunsets always fill me with awe.There is somethng here that takes one into a realm of wonder, beauty and magnificence that I find breathtaking and humbling.

 Nothing that we can create can compare with the raw  yet perfect grandeur that nature places before us in never ending variety.

Perhaps it is a glimpse of a realm that we will one day experience in full dimension.


                      A crimson flush soaks the sky.
                      Multi- faceted myriad colours shine,
                     melting into a fusion of brightness.
                         A dazzling moment of purity, transparent, beautiful.
                      Feat of nature,-brilliant,
                      a  drenched spectacle of light.

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Mary Hopkin made this recording in 1968, it was produced by Paul McCartney under the Apple label. English lyrics are by Gene Raskin, but it was originally a Russian song with words written by the poet Konstantin Podrevskii.


Oh yes-for me those were certainly the days !  The music, the dance ,the carefree feeling of hope and adventure;  the dreams, the sense that wonderful things could and would happen, and the world would find itself in peace.
  As in  the song, I am older now and not much wiser.I suppose though I am still that romantic idealist,dreaming dreams and holding in my heart the most beautiful vision.Perhaps if I hold on tightly enough and believe deeply enough, it will come true.
     Oh,- I hope so.

Monday, May 21, 2012



 Sun sea and simplicity on top of the roof. Our roof terrace is small, but it is all that I need to find peace.
It's early morning and I quietly make my way there. Blue sky, blue sea, space and all that is lovely in this still moment.

Here I can really breathe, feel the freshness, and rejoice in that beautiful feeling of being free.No closed windows or doors, just openness and light.
My mind unravels, slows down; my heart lifts and I seem to hear more clearly,see more deeply.
Just a short time here before I move into the day, but how I need that simple moment, how I need the refreshment, how I treasure its serenity and peace.